BranD is a sizeable and comprehensive magazine surveying communication design across a wide range of disciplines. These include visual art, advertising, architecture, graphic design, product design, packaging design and more, all examined with an eye toward creative branding (it’s not called BranD for nothing).
Each themed issue provide a degree of specialisation that allows for valuable in-depth analysis and insights crucial for anyone involved in the creative industries, but BranD takes an inventive approach to make things more accessible to those just starting out or thinking about working in any of these areas. Recent themes have included designing for music, using foreign typefaces, working with limited colour combinations and setting up a studio.
BranD Magazine is based in Hong Kong and produced bi-monthly by one of the largest art book and packaging publishers in Asia Pacific, Sendpoint Publishing. Issues often carry inventive packaging add-ons and freebies such as posters, stickers and foldouts.